27 April 2011

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It is a fact. Ladies just love talking and sharing issues in their lives. Talk about anything from the house help who did some unimaginable act to the way the baby made a silent sigh in her sleep. Anything is topic for the ladies gab. Makes me wonder when I see several ladies seated together, all speaking at the same time like they are trying to outdo one another.Who is listening?
That we love to share, is somewhat a survival skill for us ladies. When I share my troubles parenting a teen, and listen to another mum who has been through worse with hers somewhat gives me the courage to soldier on. Alas, so mine is not an isolated case. There are times that I feel like the world surely rests on my shoulders. I mean, life nowadays is just one race after another. It is hard being a mother to teens. Especially a working mother. With energy all gone from my day in the office I casually step into the house, hoping for some peace but alas! Where does my seven year old get this energy from?
The visit to the salon is usually refreshing. Those few hours of attention, even if paid for do me some good. And it comes with benefits too. I get to meet other equally tired mums, who are dealing with all sorts of issues of life, with courage. This is where I get to know just what it is ladies face up to on a daily basis. And learn to count my blessings. Somewhat. The stories vary one from the other. But you've got to give it up for the way they are told. Emotionally. And so I get to experience a variety of feelings while there. Sadness for the lady whose sick child keeps her up most of the night. Yet she has to go to work the following day. Remorse that there is not much I can do but listen. Another lady does not have help and has to leave her child every day at some day care. She is not happy with the services and laments on how much it hurts to leave her crying child every morning at that place. Again, I count my blessings but feel sorry for her. And just when am beginning to think how depressing the place seems to be in walks someone different. She is beaming all over. Comes with tales of happiness, at last.
She is over the moon. Her son is getting married coming Saturday. She gives us detail after another about the forthcoming wedding. And invites all of us to attend. Of course I am happy for her. And her son who in this day and age has decided to commit before God and man. Most people nowadays do not realise the need to involve God in their lives. Saves a lot of trouble latter on.
Well, it is time to go for me. I look forward to my next visit. To share my time with these people. Although am almost sure it will be a different crowd next time. With different experiences of course. But am grateful for the experiences shared. I will not take anything for granted. Or so I promise myself.


Shiko-Msa said...

Hang in there. I'm sure at most moments its all worth it.

Milli said...

Thanks Shiko for passing by.