My girl was travelling to the South Coast and all plans were in place.Having left Nairobi with the 9:30 am coastair, she was meant to be in Mombasa at around 5:00 pm that evening and plans had been made to have someone awaiting her on the other end. However there was some delay in Mariakani which saw her get to Mombasa after 6:00 pm.
Not being very familiar with the town and with luggage in tow, she needed help to get to cross over the ferry so that she could get to Ukunda.
Now the person that was supposed to be making the arrangements did a shoddy job at it and by the time the girl was getting to Mombasa had already given up on her and left. So there she was, calling me to inform me that the one who was supposed to pick her up was off net. Someone sent a cab to ferry her over so that she could be able to catch transport to Ukunda before it got too late.
All this time, I was constantly on phone(the mother I am) checking on her location every so often. Soon she called me to confirm that she was safely in a matatu on her way to Ukunda. The next problem was that the person who was supposed to have met her was meant to have booked her a place for the night. Now we were in a worse dilemma than before.
On reaching Ukunda, she called me up inquiring where she was meant to go to from there.The girl who was supposed to have made those arrangements had instead decided that she spend the night at a friend of hers for the night.
Since I did not know her well, I was uneasy with that arrangement and I got thinking fast.
I thought of anyone I would know that side of Coast and that is when a twitter buddy of mine came to mind. I knew that he was quite familiar with coast and even if not able to save the situation himself would offer pointers anyway. And so I hit him up on twitter and explained the situation to him. He responded pretty fast and within no time had called up a lady friend of his who was willing to go pick up my girl for the night.
I could trust him since we chatted often on twitter and anyway a mother can always tell who to trust. Let's just say that the situation was solved pretty fast and soon my girl was sleeping off fatigue in a warm bed at the kindly ladies house.
This particular episode did two things to me. It went to affirm to me that there are still good people in the world, people who go out of their way to do good with no strings attached. The lady touched me so much, being ready to go out at that time of the night to pick up someone she had not met before to take her in to her house.
I may not be able to thank my twitter buddy enough for what he did that day and even the lady who acted in all humanity to save a situation. But such people go a long way in proving to humanity that with just a little goodness the life of another can be impacted in a positive way.
This post is a tribute to the two, for words cannot express my gratitude to you both. Thanks @njooro for all that you did that day and to the wonderful lady Gee, May God bless you abundantly. Anyone in need of direction while at the coast can hit my friend up and he will link you up with a good hotel or home stay.He is trustworthy and brilliant, I would know. You can reach him at @njooro or
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