31 July 2012

Crying child.

Last night was hard for me. I live in a block of flats and in one of the houses at a nearby flat there was a little child crying. At first I thought I was dreaming because the cries seemed so far off but in and out of sleep I could hear the cries. They were pathetic cries. The child kept calling out to the mother. Must have been a three to four year old. This went on for a while and at some point I stirred fully awake and realised that I was not dreaming.

I wonder how many other parents heard the cries of this child too. I could not bring myself to go on sleeping while this child went on crying. No matter that my own kids were safe and warm in their beds. And so 3am found me standing on my balcony trying to figure out what to do seeing as it is not safe to go out at that time. I was quite surprised that no one else even ventured out to try take a peek from their balconies. Yet I am very sure that had it been a fighting couple causing all the commotion many would have been out trying to catch the action firsthand. But for the crying child, noone.

A society's future is in the hands of the children. We should all be concerned about the children because they are the future of the nation. Children should be the concern of all whether we know them or not. Because you can tell the direction of a society by the way they treat their young. In this case we have failed miserably. God must be looking down on us and wondering just why we allow young children to go through so much trouble. The excuses are many though.

Any one should be moved by the cry of a child in distress. A child stands for innocence and thus it does not matter our disparities when one requires our attention. We should all be able to put our guards down and go to the aid of one such. We live in a society thus need to reach out to one another when they need us. When each one of us realises that no one is an island then we shall be on the right track. This might mean getting out of a warm bed to try and find out what is happening next door. Or telling off unbecoming behaviour in the right way.

When our kids see us reaching out to each other they grow up knowing that they too have a social responsibility to fulfil. They will then not hesitate to step in to a situation that calls for their attention. The current situation whereby it is everyone for themselves is not good. No matter how self reliant we are we all need one another. It is a need God put in the human heart to reach out to others because unlike the animals we are social beings. And so the sooner we all quit acting like we do not need each other the better for us all. Given, some may view this as trespassing but I believe what matters is how we approach the issue at hand.
Standing at my balcony that ungodly hour made me realise how much can be changed if we all made a little effort. I was lucky to speak to the child's guardian as they got out of their gate minutes later on their way to the hospital. While I may not understand why it took them so long to make the move at least I was able to go back to bed for the remaining hour before dawn knowing well that the situation had been resolved. With that were thoughts of the what kind of a society is ideal for us.

We can all make a difference. It is amazing how awkward one looks in this city when they extend a greeting to a stranger. No one seems to believe that a total stranger can just call out a greeting as they go by. One such is viewed with suspicion and often met with a steely stare. We all need to warm up to each other and opt to see the good in those around us not the bad. It is by building bridges to one another in all the small and big ways that we exemplify the true meaning of love. After all, the greatest of them all is love.

23 July 2012


The story is told of David in the Bible. He was disadvantaged right at birth because of his birth order. Being the youngest of the brothers he was the least viable to be king. And yet it was David that God had chosen to be king, him who was the least qualified by human standards.

Picture that day when Samuel went to anoint one of Jesse's sons as king. David must have been going about his business tending his father's sheep unaware how things would soon change for him. Being the youngest in the family would have meant that he did what it was that he was instructed to do. Tending sheep must have been something he did not quite mind because when he was called to be anointed he was glowing with health was of handsome features.

David went on to do exploits which included fighting Goliath because he was chosen by God. He did exploits because the hand of God was upon him. This is a wonderful story on how much more important it is for us to have a good standing with God than with all else. It is a typical manifestation of the importance that God attaches to his chosen.

We are living in a world that attaches meaning to human connections. It centres on our own ability to achieve on our own. And yet Christ has called us to be different. We need to seek his hand upon our lives by yielding to him and allowing him to take charge of our lives.

It is wonderful to be chosen of God. We see it in the days of old how those that God chose enjoyed unmerited favour in their lives. Not to say that God chooses people who are without fault or who live lives with no challenges. But when God has chosen one he walks in the authority of God upon this world. Such a person will have a special anointing to do what he would not otherwise do on his own.

It is wonderful to be chosen of God. The tasks he puts ahead of us may not always be pleasant ones but it is comforting to know that he will go with us. Being chosen means that God will go alongside so that he can prove his might through exploits done by his chosen. It means that God can entrust us with seemingly impossible tasks which we then accomplish by his grace. Being chosen is operating on God's Grace nonetheless.

As Christians we are the chosen of God. We are called to live lives that prove the power of God in that we do exploits for the Glory of the Lord. The beauty of it is that we do not need to lean on our own understanding to do this. We just need to yield to his leading and hearken to his call in our lives.

It is a one who is yielded to God that will not hesitate to take up impossible situations because he has God on his side. Such a one will forge forward even when the battle rages on because he trusts the one who brought him into it to take him safely through. This is one who will not lean on his understanding but depend on God to take him through lifes' journey.

02 July 2012

Invitation to Accept Jesus

They sat huddled up together. There was so much fear in the house that you could actually put a hand on it. The kids hung on to their parents in hope of sorts. The two grown ups were a bunch of nerves too. This was bigger than anything any of them had dealt with before. There was no doubt that the family was under attack.

It had been going on for several nights now. They had tried seeking counsel from friends to no avail. No one seemed to know just what to do in the circumstances. Fear seemed to fill every room in their house. It was so real that none of the family members could bring themselves to be alone for a moment. This is how they had spent several nights in a row. Trying the best way they knew to fight off fear. It seemed like fear had taken over their lives and was threatening to suffocate them even further. They needed a bigger power to fight it but that was one thing they did not have.

Many people struggle with issues in their lives for such a long time on their own. The only way they get anything done is to do it themselves. They lean on their own understanding since that is all they know. They might have heard of the saving Grace of Jesus Christ but are not yet willing to let him in to all areas of their lives. And so many people are living lives that are oppressed for lack of anything better to do. It could be that illness that has found a home in your body. It helps if you take it to the Lord as he has asked us to take our burdens to him. He will make the load more bearable for us if we trust it with him. And he is faithful to fulfill his promises.

Nothing is too big or too small to take to the Lord. What might be impossible to us is very simple to God. But for him to get involved in our lives we need to ask him in. We give him a place in our hearts so that once he has a foothold he can then get to work sorting out issues in our lives. He cannot do that from the outside of our hearts. He needs us to let him in. Once he comes in then it becomes easy for him to deal with what it is we present before him because he has permission that we grant him on accepting him into our lives. That is why it is very important for every person to accept Jesus in his live because there will be issues in life that we cannot handle on our own. We neee to have him in our lives so that we can enjoy the fullness of his saving Grace to the full.

Each one of us needs something or someone to fall back on. And just like a child who is afraid of the dark we need one to cling on to when the storms of life come. But more important is forming a relationship with Jesus so that he is involved in all the seasons of our lives. He can be there to share our happiness and our sadness too. It is not enough to call on him just when the ship is sinking but to call on him when all is going on well too. There is nothing like sharing happy times with one who is close to you.

You will be amazed how much Jesus will do once you let him in. He will set to work so that your life will bring glory to his name. He will do well to make sure that anyone called by his name shall not be put to shame. It doesn't mean that our lives cease to have troubles once we accept him, it is just that it will be more bearable with him on our side. Jesus feels our pain and suffering. It hurts him more than we know when people struggle with so much on their own. So much of the suffering in the world would be easier if people would seek the help of the Lord. All other solutions cannot face up to Jesus. They may last but for a while. But when we let Jesus into our lives he not only changes circumstances in our lives but also brings a breath of fresh air our way. He enables us to go through live victoriously and most of all he walks the paths of life with us.

He will do it for you. He will give you a new lease of life. He will purge all the bad habits and you can start a new life. Forgiven of all the past. He will give you joy unspeakable so that even in times of pain you can lift up a song to him. If you invite him into your life you can cast your burdens unto him. No care will be yours alone. He has promised to. Try him and see if Jesus will not bring such change your way you will wonder why it took you so long to know him. Noone has come to know Christ and lived a life of regrets again. He makes all things new and will fill your heart with peace. All you need to do is ask him in. Behold, he stands at the door. Let the saviour of the world have a place in your heart today.