14 November 2018


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Anyone been through the fire and came out gasping for breath but still alive? Am pretty sure mention of fire puts your mind on the alert as it symbolizes danger most of the time. Fire is quite useful in many ways around the house such as to warm ourselves as well as cooking. 
The kind of fire I refer to here however, is the one that easily engulfs a person or place, bringing with it destruction in its wake. Such as happened in Bible times when Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego were thrown in the fire to burn. 
There are many kinds of fire one might encounter in the journey of life. It could be fire of an illness that robs you joy, leaving you barely hanging on. Or a troubled marriage that has succeeded in taking away all happiness in the union. Perhaps you might be going through difficult times at your place of work and this has caused you more concern than gladness.

Whatever your fire, Christ died on the cross to make it easier for you to go through. His death at calvary gave us strength to be able to withstand fire in life. You could get scalded at times but he will not let you burn in whatever your fire nonetheless.
Am sure you are aware of the weapons given to us by Christ to help us during times of fire. Prayer is key as it calls out for help from God. It is amazing what God can do when we call out to him in times of distress. 
Through his blessed sacrifice Christ made us fireproof through the journey of life. True we suffer trials and tribulations, but are made victorious by his presence in our lives. We do not face trouble on our own but have Christ to walk with us all the way. Indeed, we are fireproof as sons and daughters of the most high! How wonderful it is knowing that!

31 January 2017

I refuse to let go

I am back from a long absence away from here. During the time I was away, a lot happened in my life some which left me thinking a lot of things. For instance, I catch my thoughts going towards life even more. Thoughts such as the meaning of life and the reason things happen as they do remain prime on my mind. I am yet to find the answers that I seek, some that appear to be taking longer than I expected. 

A lot has changed in my life lately, part of which was brought on by experiences had recently. I am more at peace with the world reason being that I have decided to let go of what am unable to change. I have an easier relationship with those close to me simply through allowing them to be. No longer have exaggerated expectations of others having realized that no matter what happens in life the world moves on unabated. 

Much of what has changed for me is brought on by realizing that I can only do so much. After doing what I can I then step aside and let the tide flow. I must add that I do not, however, do nothing more as I have realized the power of fighting on my knees. This is my new secret, one I wish I learned earlier on in life. I no longer suffer undue stress and anxiety as I did during the times when I thought I could take life on by my strength and wisdom. 

Might sound as if I have let go of a lot of things, right? The answer to that is yes and no. For even though I no longer carry some unnecessary burdens I refuse to let go of what is rightfully mine. That being what I know God has set aside for me and my loved ones. You see, deep inside I am a fighter. I have fought some tough battles in my life, some that cause me to wonder how on earth I managed to pull through. The knowledge that God was there all along fighting for me makes me long to keep pushing through. He was there alright when no one else was, and those left standing with me did not know what to do. During the long grueling hours of the night when I cried my heart out for his mercy he was listening all the while. One thing that remains stamped in my heart is the fact that God does come through no matter how dark the night might seem. 

I refuse to let go of the inheritance God has for me and mine. I will not sit back and accept what life throws at me but will fight for what he has set aside for me. It doesn't mean that since I appear laid back about some things I have let go. Like I said earlier on, it is no longer physical but it sure gets done on my knees. 

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04 December 2015

Warm Kenyan People

Lately we have been receiving dignitaries in Kenya. I mean, what do you say when the President of the most powerful country in the world comes to visit the country! The place was simply abuzz with action in preparation for the coming of President Obama to Kenya before arrival. However, it was the reception that took the cake.

I am proud to come from a country whose people are known the world over for their warmth. Many tourists who come to Kenya take with them memories of the warmth of the local folks right from the welcome at the airport to the most remote village. It is something to be proud of that despite all the challenges faced in Kenya citizens still maintain hospitality for which they are known on the globe. 

I sat watching events during President Obama's visit to Kenya and felt really proud of my people. Who wouldn't be, seeing thousands of people throng highways just for a glimpse of the most powerful man! Don't forget that some of them woke up to begin the long trek to go wait to see him. Some probably had no idea what tomorrow had for them but you know what? They turned up. 

It would be difficult for anyone to know the circumstances of the crowds that gathered to see Obama. And in much the celebrated way those who got close to him struggled for a handshake with him. What was phenomenal was the smile on the people's faces. You should have seen the sea  of smiling faces right there before him!

We love visitors in Kenya, that is certain.Much as most of us only caught sight of Obama on our TV screens, we had the satisfaction of hosting an important man on the land. Just goes to show how much we enjoy having others come to visit with us. 

Then came Pope Francis to Kenya a week ago. Once again the country was thrown into a frenzy preparing for the important visit. This time it was from a man most look up to for his great concern for the poor. It was great for most that this time they could look forward for an interaction (albeit brief) with him. I particularly enjoyed a speech by an Irish nun who has lived in Kenya working in the slums a long time. 

Pope Francis took to one slum in Nairobi where he had mass. The turn out was awesome and all along the muddy drive from the city were young and old waiting for a glimpse of him. Must have been a moving scene for him but not so for the people of Kenya. 

You see, Kenyans are known for resilience no matter the circumstances. We host visitors with big smiles on the face no matter that things might be falling apart around us. We stand together too and unite to fight for one of our own should trouble call. It is what makes us Kenyans. The love that comes naturally and the obvious joy of having others come to enjoy the beauty of our country. Despite the challenges, God gave us a beautiful country. But most of all, the warmth of our people is undisputed. I doubt anyone can deny this.

Long live Kenya and long live Kenyan people! I am truly proud to be Kenyan. Irrespective. 

28 April 2015

Lewd dance moves

I just watched a clip of what I consider `lewd' dance moves by some youth. The catchy title made me open the clip thus this blog post.
I get worried when I see a young college student volunteer to dance before a large crowd dressed in scanty clothing which leaves nothing to one's imagination. I mean, these are the youth who we are hoping will take up the mantle of this country's leadership soon enough and yet how can we trust them if this is their way of doing things? Whoever said appearing almost naked before a cheering crowd will earn anyone any form of pride was dead wrong! Then to go on and make those moves that are best spared for the bedroom? 
It seems these girls (and the men dancing so up-close behind them) need a word or two about what real enticement is. The clip gave me the idea that this is what they are very keen on doing. Someone once gave an example about going to the shops to buy a sweet. When you go to the supermarket you do not pick up a sweet that has no wrapper on it. You obviously know that so many hands must have touched it since it is not covered thus even though it is still a sweet it does not have the same value as the one that has both ends of the wrapper fastened well. Sadly, the `naked' sweet loses value not because it is any less a sweet but because of the presentation.
Back to our young girls who love gyrating to music with their bodies all exposed as others watch. It is alright to hear your pals cheer you on as they view you doing all kinds of antics with your exposed body. It actually makes you some sort of hero before their eyes. It will even earn you the attention of several guys, curious to `sample' what they see. Doesn't matter that you would not think of letting your parents catch you doing anything like this since they have taught you otherwise. For a while you will enjoy the glory of the moment and then reality dawns on you. 
It begins when you watch that girl in your class whom you considered too laid back, sail through college with little effort. Why should she not, when she had so much time in her hands to do what took her to campus? A few years later you will hardly recognize her as she will have not only made something of her life but will have also attracted a decent guy to settle down with. Do not be surprised when she hands you a wedding invitation thus. 
Men know what they want when it comes to settling down. They will have all the fun they can with any girl who is willing but when it comes to settling down will give you a shocker. Do you know that `player' who settled down with the most down to earth girl for a wife? See what I am talking about?
Think about this next time you want to expose too much skin and declare to the world how well you know the `moves'. Those people will be happy for the entertainment and nothing more. You will have to deal with those empty feelings once the dust settles down. 
A girl who dresses decently and is respectful is a real temptation to men. Guys have an eye for beauty even when it is all covered up with clothes and decency earns you their respect. They will be more cautious to approach you as you present as a secure person to them. And when you two finally get together, it will be in a relationship based on respect and in a civilized manner. Even though he might encounter those girls who are willing to show off skin in public he will appreciate that he got the real thing back at home. See what I mean?

14 April 2015

Still learning

Whoever said there is no end to learning was very right. I am a testimony to the fact after having spent the last few months learning new stuff. There are hidden nuggets of wisdom hidden all around if we only cared to look hard enough.
I will be back to share some of this knowledge with you. In the meantime I will take a break and do something else. Be sure to watch out for my updates, you do.